Portland Portrait & Wedding Photographer 

Hi, I’m Jen.

I believe we are all connected through the environment and it's our obligation to take care of the world around us. Using a journalistic approach, my style is organic, flowing with my subjects. I am constantly inspired by the effortless beauty of nature and think even the simplest moments are worth capturing; from a split second in the forest, to beautiful meals, to milestones in your life. I connect with you from behind the lens and create a tangible reminder of emotion. I specialize in recognizing the magic in things as they are and my biggest goal is to capture your moments in the most genuine way. Keeping it real is my thing.

My love for photography began early, as passions usually do. I have an undying love of film photography and would shoot solely on film if I could. I would love to add it to your session!

When I am not behind the lens, you can find me hiking and exploring, being moved significantly by my favorite music, telling terrible jokes, or riding in the in back of pickup trucks in Costa Rica. My most favorite thing in life is a real deep belly laugh that may or may not result in a snort.

PNW based, but always willing to travel.